At Rev the safety of all Attendees is our main priority. Please find an outline of Safety procedures we have in place to protect and safeguard our attendees
All Staff, DJs, Security, Photographers,Hosts are garda vetted and Security are all registered with the personal Security Authority holding a valid PSA license
All Volunteers who are medics from Red Cross or St John’s Ambulance service are vetted independently by there organisation.
Booking agent’s confirm and set out terms and conditions in a contract for our hosts such as security with the hosts at all times to protect the hosts, the agency vets all hosts, the host will not advertise other brands or promote any products at our events, the hosts agrees to be sober not under the influence at an under age event, if the host cannot attend they will give us prior notice so we can get a replace. the host agrees and understands if they bring there own photographer or videographer they will inform the attendees themselves if they are taking a video for social media for more information about there policies , any concerns you can contest the host or management agency directly. Some hosts can be from the TV shows or Social media platforms
Gardai are informed prior to the disco and asked if they could have a community garda present, a patrol car in the area or garda patrolling incase of assistance The venue maintains its fire safety with regular fire safety checks & up to date electrical certs with the fire safety officer, the also set out a fire safety capacity on the venue the amount of attendance will not exceed this. All fire exit doors are kept clear with security manning the doors, fire alarms check & fire box checked prior.
Our own Fire & Safety officer will check everything also and will inform security prior to the discos where the fire assembly point will be in event of a fire. A count is recorded when the tickets are scanned
legal requirement for Security is 1:100 but we go the extra mile and have 1:40 Security some locations may require 1:30 if there additional grounds and points need to be covered.
All Parents purchase tickets for our Events. Age group is advertised prior to event. Some of our discos have different age groups and only this age group can attend. There is a parental responsibility form that all parents must read and agree to the terms prior to purchase. A consent form is also filled out prior to purchase given consent for photos and videos that are taken at the event. All personal photos of attendees with our hosts are sent privately via secure link within 48 hours after the event. Some event photos are uploaded to our social media platforms for marketing proposes but can be removed once asked. There is also an emergency contact form filled out prior to purchase which an emergency contact number is given for the attendees parent.
Attendees will be addressed attendees and not by gender.
Attendees can wear what they like attending the disco we do ask not to wear pjs or onesies.
Direct Contact I Jamie Leahy the owner, promoter and operator of Rev Discos will be the only person who has access to our social media platforms, emails and what’s app. You will always deal directly with me. Please note due to the amount of locations I operate my response time can be up to 3 days. If it’s urgent please mark your email or what’s app as urgent. I no longer accept calls as I have 2 baby twins and due to past phone calls at all hours. Most of the answers to questions can be found on our website or ticket tailor. You can also contact me directly on social media Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat & TikTok. Please do not send multiple contacts or multiple people contact relating to the same query e.g ticket issue etc
We have an event manager on site 2 hours before the event who will operate the event ok the night explain the event plan, traffic plan and security plan to all staff before the event starts. If the host or DJ cannot attend the event the Event Manager will try and get a replacement ASAP
A Risk assessment is taken 2 hours before the event.
CCTV is in operation for the duration of the event outside and inside for the safety of all patrons and Staff
Parents are involved in the drop off and pick up of all attendees
Everyone needs a ticket to be granted entry to the disco.
All attendees are required to report anything they see if security do not anything such as mocking, bullying, a trip hazard etc everything is outlined in the parental responsibility form. Prior to attendees been granted access to the disco they will be asked consent to under go a searching policy. male to male / female to female. Security are trained in this. If an attendee refuses to our searching policy the attendee will not be granted entry. Any illegal objects such as alcohol, drugs, anything classed as a weapon to be found on attendee the attendee they will be confiscated and will be brought to our designated area where they will wait with security and our Duty of carer who will call parents and gardai. Anyone found under the influence of alcohol will be requested to take a breathalyser test, the attendee will be handed over to our Duty of Carer and sometimes to our medics if the attendee is intoxicated or feels unwell. The Duty of Carer will then contact parents to collect there child. If the attendee gets aggressive or parents do not answer after a certain amount of time gardai will be called.
Anyone with a medical condition or needs to bring a medical bag we ask for you to come early to speak to our medical team and a duty of carer
Phased entry is advisory and not mandatory this is to cut down on the traffic and crowds forming a Que. we aim to have everyone into the disco for 8pm instead of waiting outside until 8pm
If the attendee has issues outside of the disco such as a bully we ask the parent to contact us prior and get as much information so conflict does not arise at the disco.
Any known trouble maker to security or Gardai will be refused entry
We have our own Duty of Carer who is there to be the Middle person between attendee, parents and gardai. They will decide on the night how to resolve and issue such as a child is I’ll, needs medical assistance, involved in a fight etc
No attendee can leave prior to 10.30pm if an attendee needs to leave a parents or guardian over the age of 25 must sign the attendee out.
because the event is dark and loud music Security may not see something happening please inform your child to tell security straight away, bathroom attendant, staff, DJ etc
Any reports from the attendee about issues at home or do not feel safe going home gardai will be called straight away and TULSA will be notified.
Any Attendee who feels unwell, becomes sick or hurts themselves will be brought to our medics and parents will be informed everything is documented in our incident report forms
Anyone Fighting will be removed from the disco parents and gardai called and the attendees will be banned until the gardai or parents confirm the conflict has been resolved and both parties confirm they will not fight again.
No one has permission to touch anyone’s part of the body without consent we ask parents to speak to your child prior to the disco to respect everyone this includes pulling hair, hugging ,licking someone’s face or messing with someone etc no one has the right to touch or smack anyone bum. If anyone feels uncomfortable or feels someone is bothering them and won’t leave them alone we ask for the attendee to say it to staff straight away the person will be removed and spoken to, we may contact the parents if it’s a more serious issue.
Bathroom attendants: Male to male / Female to female they will be outside in the hall way or outside the door monitoring the bathrooms no more than 2 at a time in the bathrooms, they will make sure the bathrooms are kept available no crowds staying inside chatting, they will make sure the bathrooms are kept clean and tidy. The female attendant will have a sanitary bag with free products for female attendants who may require some free of charge. Anyone who identifies themselves as a different gender will be allocated a separate bathroom if requested.
Traffic Marshals will direct the traffic and tell everyone where to park. Traffic marshals will be on the road and car park from 7pm and will go back out 30/40mins before the disco finishes.
Crowd Controllers will deploy 5 mins before the lights are turned on to control the attendees to make sure they don’t go on the road and assist attendees to there lifts safely
Security will walk a group to there lift if it’s not in the Car park.
No attendee will be left outside on there own, if a vehicle breaks down or the parent are delayed 2 security make and female will wait with the attendee. No staff will drop the attendee home or allow an attendee to get into a taxi. If there’s no lift or parent does not collect the attendee within one hour after the disco or no communication from the parents gardai will be informed.
Thank you for reading our Safeguard Child protection Policy if you any questions or feel we missed something please don’t hesitate in contacting us to reassure you.