Frequent Q & A

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I Park?
Please arrive 15mins prior to doors opening (if you wish to get a parking space If car parks are full please don’t stop in the middle of the road or park on yellow lines. The gardai are monitoring the road and square, They are issuing fines to those who obstruct the road. Security will keep the traffic flowing so you can do a a fast drop off or a fast pick up) please listen to security who will be directing traffic you can park outside or please note one way system in place) for all discos please listen to security and gardai directing traffic
Yes there will be a mineral bar.
Usually we have a cloak room or designated area we recommend you to bring only what you need, if it’s raining we will have an area separate to the disco so you can hang your jackets separately. Please leave school bags, expensive make up bags/jewellery at home.
We run a number of discos for different age groups
Yes, at all times, along with a duty of carer (any child attending that may need to bring medication can contact prior. Larger discos will have ambulance
Yes, We have Fully licensed PSA male & female security team.
No -unless a parent or guardian picks them up at the door and signs them out, no sign out is required after 10.30pm….there is an outdoor area which is monitored with security, if a child wants to go outside for fresh air or to make a phone call they can do so while accompanied by security.
No. they are not allowed chewing gum or to bring any bottle drinks inside the disco except if it’s for dietary purposes. No stimulant drinks are permitted on the premises.
No the gardai are not inside, they sometimes are around or will pop up to make sure all is running smoothly.
Absolutely not, anyone suspected will have their parents notified straight away or handed over to the gardai if parents are uncontactable.
No. Our child protection policy states no one over the age of 18 is allowed into our discos unless you are involved in the disco.
Yes all staff who hold a PSA License who go through an intense background check, garda vetting check, training & courses to get this license our stewards are all garda vetted are done year. Some more useful information… Our bathrooms are sometimes attended outside to control numbers, keep the bathrooms clean & tidy & finally if any products are needed just ask the attendant (e.g toilet roll etc) male for the male and female for the female bathrooms ALWAYS. Because of the location of the disco we recommend those to car pool with each other to cut down on the traffic, no child is allowed to leave with out a parent/guardian signing them out. A child can only leave 20 mins-half hour before the disco finishes. We have phones that the children can use if they want to go home early or need to arrange a lift home, staff will not leave until every child is picked up, never worry about being late for your child, we are there cleaning up for another 30 minutes anyway, just incase your car breaks down etc. Our number 1 priority is the safety of all kids. To run safe and secure discos for the kids to have fun, socialise and dance in a safe manner. We have been operating Rev Discos in Cahir since 2011 ask around if you need too but we are 100% confident in how these events are run. If anyone has any questions or concerns feel free to contact us via Mail on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Email. Thanks so much for reading….